The Announcements for May 5, from Chris Fahey, Ruthie Deffley, Dottie Kluttz & Bernie Coclasure

Scripture Reading and Hymn
Scripture reading from John 21:1-19 and singing the hymn "Lord, You Have Come to the Lakeshore"
Stanza 1: John 21:1-8
Stanza 2: John 21:9-14
Stanza 3: John 21:15-19
Stanza 4
Rev. Billy Hester and Rev. Bob Chvatal

The Asbury Memorial Choir sings "My Jesus, I Love Thee", an anthem composed by Molly Ijames. Directed by Ray Ellis. Piano by Kay Deffley.

Special Birthday Greeting
Special birthday greeting to Mary Alice Garvin from Rev. Billy Hester and the congregation of Asbury Memorial Methodist Church

Sermon:"Déjà Vu, Out of the Blue, & Expected Too"
Rev. Billy Hester gives his sermon based on the scripture from John 21, Jesus at the lakeshore, again.

AUDIO ONLY Version ... MP3 format

Communion Music

Music during the receiving of the elements of Holy Communion. Sung by Danny Beam and the Asbury Memorial Choir.

The Benediction

Rev. Billy Hester gives the benediction with Cheri Hester signing as the congregation sings "Here I Am Lord"

The worship service bulletin

Rev. Billy Hester
Rev. Bob Chvatal

Musicians ...
Organ: Kay Deffely
Piano: Ray Ellis / Kay Deffley
Bass: Doug Povie

Video Photographer: Patrick Prokop

Sound and Light Technicians

Barry Parker
Chris Kincade
Stephen Swanger Internet Editor: Patrick Prokop

Send your comments about this service to Rev. Billy Hester [email protected]

Sunday Worship Service 11:15 AM           (912) 233-4351            Fax: (912) 233-5026            Email: [email protected]