Call to Worship
Kathy Hodges and Susan Bolinger give the general announcement followed by the Call to Worship on the 2nd Sunday of Lent with Ginger Miles attending to the Lenten garden and then gives the Call to Worship

Reading: "God The River"
by Susan Palo Cherwien given by Lynne Allen

The Asbury Memorial church choir sings "Deep River", a traditional spiritual, arranged by John Leavitt. Directed by Ray Ellis. Piano played by Kay Deffley

Prays for the People
Rev. Richard Allen

Pre Sermon Announcements
Billy Hester reminds us of the Movie Tuesday evening "Backs Agains the Wall", the need for housing for several German Methodists who will be visiting in April ... several announcements concerning deaths of former church members and friends of the church.

Sermon:"Deep Roots"
The sermon from Rev. Billy Hester on the 2nd Sunday of Lent is based on the scripture from Luke 13:31-25 ... Jesus lamenting over Jerusalem for her disregard for listening to the prophets. He relates that to today as to how we disregard or turn our backs to those in need. He also relates to the Irish immigrants in the mid-1800s seeking a new life in America and how they were rejected by the people as outcasts. And yet, on this very same day, March 17, we had just celebrated their heritage with parades and parties. He then mentions the state of the United Methodist Church is turning away from the message of John Wesley of their outcast to the members of the LGBTQ community.

AUDIO ONLY Version ... MP3 format

Offertory Music

The Asbury Memorial Church Choir sings "We Are Not Alone", an anthem by Pepper Choplin. Soloist: Sharon Page. Directed by Ray Ellis. Piano by Kay Deffley

The Benediction

As the congregation finishes singing "God of Ages", Rev. Billy Hester gives the benediction followed with Cheri Hester signing as the congregation sings "Here I Am Lord".

The worship service bulletin

Rev. Billy Hester
Rev. Richard Allen

Musicians ...
Organ: Kay Deffely
Piano: Ray Ellis / Kay Deffley
Keyboard: Randy Canady

Video Photographer: Patrick Prokop

Sound and Light Technicians

Barry Parker
Chris Kincade
Internet Editor: Patrick Prokop

Send your comments about this service to Rev. Billy Hester [email protected]

Sunday Worship Service 11:15 AM           (912) 233-4351            Fax: (912) 233-5026            Email: [email protected]