Asbury Memorial Church worship service for February 9, 2020, 5th Sunday after Epiphany Sunday



Angie Jenkins gives the announcements with special announcements from Anne Allen Westbrook and Ray Ellis

Scripture Reading

Scripture Reading

Janet Wagner reads from the book of Matthew, chapter 5 verses 13-20

Scripture Reading

Song of Meditation
Prayers of the People

Rev. Billy Hester leads the congregation in the song of Meditation "O Lord, hear my prayer" followed by Rev. Claire Marich with the Prayers of the People

Extra Announcements

Extra Announcements

Rev. Billy Hester gives several announcements including the birth of a new child to the Daltons, information concerning the renewing of wedding vows in City Market at 7 pm Valentines evening and a happy birthday greeting to Kay Deffley

Rev. Billy Hester gives his sermon

Sermon: "Be These"

Rev. Billy Hester gives his sermon "Be These" ... Be Salt and Light ... based on scripture from Matthew 5:13-20. In his sermon, he makes reference to Anne Westbrook who gave him an 'assigned' sermon.

Rev. Billy Hester gives his sermon

AUDIO ONLY Version ... MP3 format

The anthem 'Waiting' from Asbury Memorial Church choir


The Asbury Memorial Choir sings "Waitin' for the Light to Shine", an anthem written by Roger Miller for the musical "Big River". The piano played by Kay Deffley. Directed by Ray Ellis. Soloist: Wendell Hester

Rev. Billy Hester gives the Benediction

The Benediction

Rev. Billy Hester gives the benediction followed by Cheri Hester leading the congregation in their response by signing and singing "Here I Am Lord"

The worship service bulletin

Rev. Billy Hester
Rev. Claire Marich

Musicians ...
Organ: Kay Deffley
Piano: Ray Ellis/Kay Deffley
Keyboard: Randy Canady

Video Photographer: Patrick Prokop

Sound and Light Technicians
Barry Parker
Stephen Swanger

Internet Editor: Patrick Prokop

Send your comments about this service to Rev. Billy Hester [email protected]

Sunday Worship Service 11:15 AM           (912) 233-4351            Fax: (912) 233-5026            Email: [email protected]