Prelude: "I Wonder as I Wander
Kay Deffley
The Gretchen Greene Dancers begin the Christmas Eve Service at Asbury Memorial with the
Liturgical Dance to "O Come, All Ye Faithful"
The Asbury Memorial Choir sings "God Bless Us Everyone", an anthem with words and music written by Alan Silvestri and Glenn Ballard and arranged by Joseph Martin for The Walt Disney Music Company. Soloist: Nick Deffley. Director: Ray Ellis. Piano: Kay Deffley
Lessons and Carols
Lesson 1:
Pam Sears reads from Luke 1:26-38
Kristen Kelso Sings "Christmas Lullaby" as her sister, Madeline performs a liturgical interpretive dance
Lesson 2:
Callie Downing reads from Luke 2:1-7
The Choir Sings "I Believe"
Soloist: Alice Burris, Director: Ray Ellis,Piano: Kay Deffley
Lesson 3:
Dottie Kluttz reads from Luke 2:8-12
The Gretchen Greene Dancers perform the liturgical Dance: "Do You Hear What I Hear?"
Lesson 4:
Pam Sears reads from Luke 2:13-20
The Gretchen Greene Dancers perform the liturgical Dance: "Go Tell It on the Mountain!"
Lesson 5:
Callie Downing reads from Matthew 2:1-11
Randy Canady sings "Joseph's Song"
Lesson 6:
Dottie Kluttz reads from Matthew 2:12-15, 19-23; Luke 2:40
Jamie Kelso sings "Mary Did You Know?" as David Alley plays the guitar
Lesson 7:
Pam Sears read from John 1:1-9
The youth and adult choirs sing; "Carry the Light"
David Alley reads "One Solitary Life"
as Joseph and Mary carry the Christ Child to the cradle. Hank investigates and asks to hold the baby then depicts the breaking of the bread (body) for Holy Communion
Holy Communion Chants
"Spirit of the Living God"
"Come, O Redeemer, Come"
Christmas Eve at Asbury Memorial ... Lessons and Carols ...
Silent Night
The worship service bulletin
Photos from the Service
Rev. Billy Hester
Musicians ...
Organ: Kay Deffely
Piano: Ray Ellis / Kay Deffley
Keyboard: Randy Canady
Bass: Doug Povie
Video Photographer: Patrick Prokop
Sound and Light Technicians
Les Sears
Barry Parker
Internet Editor: Patrick Prokop
Special thanks to Lawrence Staab for the use of his Video Recording Equipment
Send your comments about this service to Rev. Billy Hester [email protected]